Thursday, February 08, 2007

This is my attempt at copying a friend's recipe for brisket. She brought it as an example of Jewish food at my school's International Dinner, and it was sooooooo good! Everyone in my family has been bugging me to get the recipe from her, but she's one of those cooks who just sort of "throws things together" so this is the closest I could get. It's pretty close!

Marilyn's Brisket

You need:

1 brisket ~3lbs.
2 onions, sliced into rings
2 T minced garlic (more or less, to taste)
2 T paprika
salt and pepper
1 cup sweet, red wine (Marilyn uses Manischewitz, but I used Wild Vines and it tasted pretty much the same.)
1 can beer

Here's how you make it --

Place the brisket in a roasting pan that has space enough to cover the meat with stuff. (I put it in a large crockpot -- you know, the bathtub-sized one Dad got me for Christmas a couple years ago? It's perfect for this.) Sprinkle it with the garlic, paprika, salt and pepper. Cover it with onions. Pour the wine over top, then pour the beer over top everything. Roast overnight. (She didn't say what temperature to roast it, but I imagine it's kind of low if you're roasting it all night long. I "roasted" mine in the crockpot overnight on the low setting.)

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