Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Lunchbox Fun: PB & J Rollups
a fun twist on the PB & J

You need:
1 10" flour tortilla per lunchbox
peanut butter (any kind)
jelly (any kind)

1. Lay the tortilla out on a cutting board.
2. Slather it up good with peanut butter, all the way to the edge, leaving about 1/4" rim around the outside.
3. Smear jelly on top of the peanut butter.
4. Roll the tortilla up like a telescope.
5. Put roll in freezer for about 10 minutes, then slice into 1" pieces.*
6. Refrigerate overnight, then stick 'em in your lunchbox in the morning.
*Tip: support the sides of the roll as you "saw" the pieces with a serrated knife, careful not to allow the knife to flatten the roll as you cut. This keeps all the good, gooey stuff inside and keeps it from smooshing out the end.

This recipe is easy for kids to make, but younger folks might need help cutting.

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